News zum "To meet Esther"
Film length: 18 Min.
Production year: 2022
Marianna is 10 years old girl of Jewish-Russian descent, born in Germany, proudly presents her Jewish family tree at elementary school. Contrary to her parents who are afraid of antisemitic attacks, she confesses to be Jewish. When she gets home, she tries to hide the poster from her parents. But the truth comes out and has an unexpected impact not only on her life, but on the life of many other people.
13 - 37
Die in Berlin lebende und aus der Ukraine im Kindesalter einge-wanderte Regisseurin und Autorin Anna Eret artikuliert mit dem kurzen Spielfilm die persönliche Adaption von jüdischen Doppelleben. In einer emotionalen und spannenden Geschichte setzt sie sich in
“To Meet Esther” mit einem sehr realen Problem der jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland auseinander.
Directed and Written by
Director of Photography
1st AD
2nd AD
Line Producer
Production Manager
Festival Coordinator
Art Director
Set Dresser
1st Assistant Camera
2st Assistant Camera
Best Boy
Post Production Sound Service
Sound Editor/ Sound Designer
Additional Editor
Colour Grading/Mastering
Graphic Design
Anna Eret
Anna Eret
Maximilian Miller
Daniel Scheimberg
Rüdiger Gleisberg
Raphael Vogler
Sabine Fischer
Olga Putsykina
Uwe Kamitz
Sabine Fischer
Christina Demenshina
Sophia Sigel
Maria Naroditski
Finn SattelmAier
Arthur Wiechmann
Daniel Helgert
Theodor Späthe
Max Bertani
Johanna Bock
Isabell Behrendt
BITone! Professionals GmbH
Till Wimmer
Oliver Kless
Marcus Badow
Maria Naroditski
Aztec animation
Ellie carina Lorscheid